Friday, April 16, 2010


Just the word "goals" gets me excited! I have always been someone who has to be challenged and fitness is no different. I recently had my body fat and measurements taken and I compared it to an assessment I did in July of 2009. Surprisingly I am happy. Although I would like instantaneous results, I know that long and steady wins the race. Here are the results from my past two assessments:

July 2009- 34.6% Body Fat (Gross!)

April 2010- 21.9% Body Fat (Better... but not great!)

July 2009 April 2010
R Calf 15" 15"
L Calf 15" 15"
R Thigh 27" 24"
L Thigh 26" 24"
R Bicep 13" 12"
L Bicep 13" 12"
Waist 36" 31"
Chest 42" 39"
Shoulders 45" 42"
Hips 41" 36"
Neck 14" 14"

That is a total of 23" lost! I'm definitely proud of that but have a llllooooonnnngggg way to go! Here's to the next 60 days of ass kicking!