Monday, May 10, 2010

First Paleo Breakfast

Today was my first day to eat paleo and so far it's not horrible. To be honest I was extremely afraid of how starving I might be without my precious bread but it's not as bad as I thought. So far today I have eaten eggs, strawberries, an apple then a couple of almonds around 10am then my entire office went to Freebirds today (of course!) so I got a bird bowl salad with lettuce, avocado, chicken, salsa, corn salsa and garlic. Not too shabby thus far but the tummy is definitely starting the grumble. I have got to find something that will fill up my stomach a little better! Maybe I need more water... yeah ok... off to get more water!

Friday, April 16, 2010


Just the word "goals" gets me excited! I have always been someone who has to be challenged and fitness is no different. I recently had my body fat and measurements taken and I compared it to an assessment I did in July of 2009. Surprisingly I am happy. Although I would like instantaneous results, I know that long and steady wins the race. Here are the results from my past two assessments:

July 2009- 34.6% Body Fat (Gross!)

April 2010- 21.9% Body Fat (Better... but not great!)

July 2009 April 2010
R Calf 15" 15"
L Calf 15" 15"
R Thigh 27" 24"
L Thigh 26" 24"
R Bicep 13" 12"
L Bicep 13" 12"
Waist 36" 31"
Chest 42" 39"
Shoulders 45" 42"
Hips 41" 36"
Neck 14" 14"

That is a total of 23" lost! I'm definitely proud of that but have a llllooooonnnngggg way to go! Here's to the next 60 days of ass kicking!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Be Inspired

I've watched this video at least 20 million, maybe 21 million times and I am more and more inspired every time. Woody and I are trying to build our own garage gym and just the shear possibility of rising first thing in the morning to better myself before I tackle any challenges of the day is something I look forward to. The video speaks for itself... plus it features MY COACH, none other than Crystal McReynolds. Visit for more great stuff.

Visit for more Videos

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

So You're Sayin' There's a Chance

This blog is only meant for me to have a place to come and write down what I'm thinking and how I'm feeling but I welcome anyone who is bored at work/home and wants to read about my fitness life. I have recently joined Crossfit and from what I have gathered so far ( 4 classes) this is a high intensity training facility meant to build strong, fit, confident people. These are all qualities I'm looking to be better at, therefore, it would seem that myself and Crossfit will make a great couple!

Woodrow and I have signed up a for 7 week training called Spartan 300 Challenge. The Spartan 300 Challenge is designed to hold me accountable in my fitness and nutrition. They say the end result is that I will be faster, stronger, and more lean than ever before. With the wedding only 6 months away these are all goals that I look forward to achieving.  

Here are my short term goals for 2010:
1. Less than 18% BF
2. Under 140 pounds by July 1
3. Complete Spartan Challenge by June 26th

Please feel free to encourage me to reach these goals! Lord knows I will need all the help I can get!!